Monday, February 13, 2023

Intuition: Feeling (or Delayed Expression of Reason?)

 Intuition: The faculty of knowing or understanding something without reasoning or proof.
I find it interesting that the subconscious can pick up on something before the conscious can express or define it. We sometimes call it intuition, often implying there isn't an apparent reason or logic for a choice.

And I am wondering now--maybe the emphasis shouldn't be that proof or reasoning is lacking in these cases, but that what is lacking is the apparency. Perhaps this proof or reason is being accessed at a subconscious level (dealing with information, fears, experiences stored in deeper memory storage) and so the overt expression of why is not lacking in substance, but only in immediate availability. This then appears as if the thought is "only a feeling", and gives the impression of not having logic or proof behind it. I've had this happen many times in my life, where I would phrase a situation as, "It doesn't make sense to me, but I feel that I should (or shouldn't) do this thing . . ." It seemed very feeling-based, but many times later on I would have the realization of why my brain had been prompting me toward a certain direction. Instead of there being lack of reason, the actual dynamic was that there was a delay of expression of the reason (ie, being put into words).

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